This is an experimental A.I. chat application that provides feedback on life decisions. It leverages the "Claude 3 Haiku" model published by Anthropic AI. It is based on the creator's college thesis which focused on decision making and life choices. The thesis is used as a baseline input into the model, which is guided to use "the text" as the basis for it's responses. The paper focused on Prospect Theory, a cognitive psychology theory that gave birth to the field of Behavioral Economics. If a concept from Prospect Theory is mentioned and you want more of an explanation, ask about it! The only other guidance is that this experiment is geared towards personal life choices, which was the focal point of the paper. An example might be a choice about whether to move from your current home to another, whether to start a family, whether to change careers, etc. Presenting a hypothetical or real life choice will yield the intended results of this experiment. Click the following button to start a chat about decision making! You can refresh the page to reset.

Enter your own text here to talk to Claude 3: